Monday, February 4, 2013

Rovers are Over- Great Job!!

In a well written paragraph (or more-intro, details, conclusion) discuss your experience during the Rover project.  What did you like the most/least?  What was your biggest challenge, how did you overcome it and what did you learn from it?  How will doing a project like this help you in the future?


  1. My experience on the rover project was good. It was hard working with people I dont really know good. I liked getting to know how other people worked with different people. My biggest challenge was trrying to get ideas in that other people would like. When I got over that challenge I talked to other people on different teams to see what they thought. A project like this will help me in the future by giving me more of an experience with speaking in front of people.
    S. Johnson, AOA

  2. My experience during the Rover project was very good. I happend to be in charge of building the attatchment arm for the Magnetic sensor. The actual building was my favorite part. Our biggest challenge was over building the arm, and it kept breaking. The solution was to build the arm right off the rover instead of seperate. I learned that not everything has to be as hard as it seems. This has helped me be able to work well in groups.
    K. Hernandez, MFO

  3. During the rover project, I think I enjoyed working with other people the most. Sometimes, when we work individually, it can be harder. This project was fun and easy, but also challenging. The thing I liked the least was that every now and then there wouldn't be anything to do and it was difficult to stay on task. That effected how the rover turned out. I realized I could overcome this by helping other groups with their job. This project will help me in the future because it taught me how to work better in a group. -E.Peterson, CorNav

  4. My experience during the Rover project was overall a enjoyable experience. I happened to be in charge of the programming on the AOA team. The programming was my favorite part. The software we used was NXT Programming Version 2.1. This was a pretty simple code ot learn overall. We had a lot of troubleshooting with the programming. This is because we would code something, try it out, and then find out it doesn't work so we would basically have to start from scratch and make a new program.
    H. Husnay, AOA Programmer

  5. Hello I am M.Sicilia. My favorite part of the whole rover experience was, being able to just sit and build for the whole class period. I think for the IDep team the biggest challenge had to be the robotic temperature probe arm. We overcame the problem by working as a team and also working at our own rate. I think this project will help me in the future by being able to work in a group. I also think the group I was in was spectacular because we had a programmer and one scientist and I was the engineer. M.Sicilia IDep

  6. On the rover project, I experiened how tough the build would be and how we can work together to do this. What I liked the most was to build the Ipod holders since I'm on the VCom team [video commutication]. I did not like to connect everything together. That was the biggest challenge I had to face. So soon I overcame it by saying my idea and it worked. A project like this will help me in the future because at least I know how to work things out better.
    A.sholtz, video commutication

  7. Overall my experience working on the rover was pretty good. It was difficult working with different people. It was very helpful working in groups. I think one of my biggest challenges was trying to insert myself with the project.I did this by finding parts of the rover i could easily work on and that helped me. I think I got over that challenge and started working harder on it. Another one was talking from the control room but I worked through it.
    H.McCarthy, CorNav

  8. I loved working on the rover project. My favorite part had to be working with my EDL team and building the capsule. The biggest challenge had to be speeking in front of the audience. Doing this project helped me speak in front of a lot of people.
    J.Bousquet, EDL

  9. My experience with the rover project was very good. It was hard getting everyone to try to work together. Everyone had their own ideas and it was difficult incorperating them all into one rover but we finally overcame this by communicating better. My favorite part of the project was being able to build a Mars rover out of Legos. Doing a project like this will help my public speaking abilities in the future.
    D. Carlson, IDep

  10. I enjoyed the rover project a lot. I liked working in group and having our own tasks and then putting them together in the end. The rover was a good experience because i am probably never going to use a rover in my life again. Sometimes it was difficult but, usally it was fine. I also liked when we went on video conferences and it really helped me with public speaking. I am really glad i got to work with the rovers.
    O.McEachron, VCom

  11. My experience with the rover project was very exciting. I had the two biggest rolls for my group, I was the technician for the EDL team, I was also the project manager. My favorite part of the rover project was being able to work in different groups each day. Since I was the project manager I was able to walk around and find out what each team was doing and give my input on certain things. my biggest challenge was working with the EDL team, making the capsule took a lot of effort, but we used different resources to get it done.
    -A. Knapp, project manager, EDL tech.

  12. My experience durring the rover project was good.I liked being able to put my ideas together with others and making something so magnifficent. I did not enjoy having to talk in front of so many people. That is also the biggest challenge i had, but then i realized that i shouldnt worry it's just talking and im good at it.
    S. Sherlock,CorNav

  13. My experiences from working on this project will allow me to work with a group of people, with the same goal, and finish the jobs swiftly and proficiently. The experience also allowed me to use my brain in different ways, to make ideas to make the attachments on the capsule. The most challenging part of this project was trying to find out how to make the heat shield. We tried several different materials, either too small or not hard enough. The final material for the heat shield was styrofoam.
    P. Corbett EDL signing off

  14. During the project with rover I liked the way we built the rovers with the Legos also for this project we had to use ours brains in many ways such as thinking of a way to put on a certain tool or piece. Also to use our brains to think of what we are going to say for our presentations like how the rover does certain tasks and what we need to fix it if it doesn't work properly. Our biggest challenge was to find a way to put on the iPod along with that is how to make it stable. You learn ways to problem solve with the tools you have and a certain time to complete it it.
    T. Gardner, AOA

  15. Hello my name is Z.Berg The thing on the project that I liked the about the project the most was getting to make a rover out of lego’s. The thing I liked the least about the project is how long it took to complete. My biggest challenge was the programming. I had a lot of people helping me program I learned that it’s better to work in teams then alone. This project will help me in the future if something similar liked this happens again in the future.
    Z.Berg, MFO

  16. My experiences in this project will help me with working with other people. My favorite part of this project was bulding the capsul. The hardest part of this project was having to be in front of alot of people. This project will help me in the future if I have to work on something with other people. K Laviola, EDL
