Thursday, January 24, 2013

Make the Rover BOLDER!!!!!!!!

What do you think is going to help make our rover better than the others? What can you contribute? How can you do this?


  1. To make the Rover better we have to find a way to make the Rover not have so much weight on it. because there is so much weight the Rover is tiping over and falling down once it hit's a rock.
    T. Lindquist, AOA Team

  2. If we get more time to work on the rover. Put more programming into rover, and test it in the test bed. That's a way to make rover bold Bolder.
    Z.Berg MFO

  3. We have to inprove on the rover. We could also make the rover more sturdy. I think that we should all work on all the parts to make it as good as it can be. M.Sicilia IDep

  4. To make the Rover better we have to find a way to make the Rover not have so much weight on it. because there is so much weight the Rover is tiping over and falling down once it hit's a rock.
    H.McCarthy,CorNav Team

  5. To make the rover bolder we can make it have less weight on it. That will make the rover move faster and it wouldnt have so much weight on it wont tip over if it gets hit. F.Colosi MFO

  6. I think if we get more time to test, change and upgrade the Rover that might make it Bolder. Also we have a big problem with the weight on the Rover so if we can fix that we can make it Bolder.
    T.Gardner, AOA

  7. To make the rover better we need to make it with less weight, but be able to put more sensors on. If it is to heavy then if it hits a rock it will tip and fall over.
    S. Johnson, AOA

  8. To make the Rover better we have to find a way to make the Rover not have so much weight on it. because there is so much weight the Rover is tiping over and falling down once it hit's a rock.
    H.Husnay AOA

  9. The chances of us making this Rover amazing are truly possible. As the time to make our Rover "Bolder" comes we are going to be able to make our rover stand out. Also the best of out of the 4. A lighter Rover is just what we need.
    K.Angona , VCom

  10. To make the rover better we need to find a way to make the rover lighter, it is currently too heavy. We also need to add more sensors, and get a better ipod mount on it. If it is too heavy it could interfere with how the rover works in the end.
    ~A. Knapp, Project Manager.

  11. To make the rover bolder, we could improve on our programs. We may also make our sesnors sturdier and put them in better places so that it will fit everything, but have it work out well at the same time. -E.Peterson, CorNav

  12. To make the rover better we will have to make the main structure sturdier so that it will not fall apart after arrival on Mars.
    D. Carlson IDep

  13. We can make the rover bolder by making it less unstable. It will be easier for the rover to move around.
    J.Bousquet, EDL

  14. To make our rover better we must first complete it. Then we can worry about making it better.
    S.Sherlock, CorNav

  15. To make the rover better we have to complete it. Then we can worry about completing it.
    O.McEachron, VCom

  16. To make the rover bolder we can stable it out better it can help it minover easier.
    H.McCarthy, CorNav

  17. We can make the rover less more sturdy so that it will not break or be damaged easily when it is on Mars.

  18. To make the rover bolder, we can adjust the rover so it is more sturdy and able to move around really well without tipping or anything fall off.
    K. Hernandez, MFO

  19. We can make the rover more sturdy so that it will not break or be damaged easily when it is on Mars. K Laviola EDL

  20. To make the rover better we need to make the rover more sturdy so with all of the weight on top won't put stress on the rover and it wont fall apart on arrival to Mars.

  21. We can make the rover more stable and secure and make sure everything is attached properly. This is going to make our rover better so when we put it on mars it nothing is going to fall off.
    K.Burgess, VCom
