Yesterday we contiued building and attaching our sensors but then we got an idea to double up on cpu's. So we braced it and now there stacked. H.McCarthy,CorNav
Yesterday, the MFO team worked on the magnetic sensors arm a little more. We made the arm shorter and sturdier. We made it sturdier by adding a few more legos to the magnetic sensors arm. The MFO team also got further in the programming. Z.Berg, MFO
Yesterday, we built our light sensor and tried to put it on the rover. We can't quite find a way to put it on yet, so we are still working on that. -Emily Peterson, CorNav
Putting the 2 CPU`s on the Rover sadly did not work. Although it would have made our Rover one of the better and more, out there. Having the weight of the 2 CPU`s would have made the Rover less sucessfull and may have caused it to fail. K.Angona
Yesterday we contiued building and attaching our sensors but then we got an idea to double up on cpu's. So we braced it and now there stacked. H.McCarthy,CorNav
ReplyDeletewe continued building Touch Sensors and Ultra Sonic Sensors. But we got an idea to stack the CPU's and it was succesful.
ReplyDeleteT. Lindquist, AOA Team
Yesterday, the MFO team worked on the magnetic sensors arm a little more. We made the arm shorter and sturdier. We made it sturdier by adding a few more legos to the magnetic sensors arm. The MFO team also got further in the programming.
ReplyDeleteZ.Berg, MFO
Yesterday, we built our light sensor and tried to put it on the rover. We can't quite find a way to put it on yet, so we are still working on that. -Emily Peterson, CorNav
ReplyDeletePutting the 2 CPU`s on the Rover sadly did not work. Although it would have made our Rover one of the better and more, out there. Having the weight of the 2 CPU`s would have made the Rover less sucessfull and may have caused it to fail.
On Jan 23, the video commutication team was trying to put the ipod holder back on. We know what place we can locate it, now.
ReplyDeleteA.sholtz, VCom